Thrush is a wound in the mouth that can heal itself within 7-14 days. Although it can heal itself, canker sores can cause pain and discomfort, especially if they often recur. Everyone has experienced sprue, in the medical world thrush is known as Stomatis Aftosa Rekuren (SAR). This wound can be small or large and feels painful. About half of sufferers can again experience thrush within 3 months. Thrush is more common in women. This is presumably because women experience hormonal changes more often than men. Until now, the cause of canker sores is not known with certainty, but many factors that trigger the emergence of canker sores. These trigger factors can originate from within the body or from outside the body. Causes of Sprue from Outside the Body There are at least four factors from outside the body that are often the cause of canker sores. These four factors are: 1. Injury Injury is the main cause of thrush. Injuries to the inside of the mouth usually occur due to biting,...